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Monthly Archives: September 2023

Brown rice reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Brown rice is rice that has not been refined. Therefore, it still has more nutrients than white rice. Many people therefore believe that eating brown rice is beneficial to the body in many ways. Such as benefiting people who want to lose weight. Reduce the risk of heart disease

Benefits of high fiber foods.

Fiber foods are a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. Fiber can be separated into 2 types: soluble fiber that helps reduce fat and blood sugar levels, found in oatmeal, apples and carrots. And insoluble fiber that helps increase the work of the digestive system and

What are the benefits of running ?

Running is a useful exercise. Helps promote blood circulation in the body. Helps increase the activity of enzymes and hormones that help stimulate the muscles and heart to work more efficiently. The heart will be able to pump blood well and help the muscles use oxygen more efficiently.

Benefits of swimming.

Swimming is considered a sport or activity that has many positive effects. Many people like to exercise this way. Which benefits from swimming are as follows: Health benefits  Swimming is a great form of exercise because it allows every part of your body to move against the water. Makes the