Knowledgeable about eggs, eating them is good and beneficial.

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Knowledgeable about eggs, eating them is good and beneficial.

Eggs are considered a food that must be in every home. Because it’s simple food. that are beneficial to the body It also plays an important role in weight control. muscle strength quality pregnancy brain function Eye health and more 

But for patients with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood fat. and those who must control foods that contain fat Should be consumed according to the doctor’s advice. And at different ages it is necessary to receive different nutrients from eggs. So how many eggs should we eat per day? To suit the body. Report from ufabet

Get to know about eggs

Eggs contain 2 nutrients that are important for brain health. Contains choline and lutein. Choline plays a role in a baby’s brain development in the early stages of pregnancy. Lutein is involved in eye health and plays a role in cognition.

How many eggs per day should each age group eat?

  1. Infants from 6 months old should start with 1/2 boiled egg yolk mixed with a small amount of mashed rice at first.
  2. Children aged 7-12 months should eat 1/2 hard-boiled egg per day.
  3. Pre-school children 1-5 years, school-age children, pregnant and lactating women. working age group and healthy elderly people Can eat an average of 1 egg per day.
  4. For people with congenital diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and abnormal blood fats. You should not eat more than 3 eggs/week or as recommended by your doctor.