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Post-workout meals and snacks

Post-workout meals and snacks In this case, try to consume energy equal to half of the energy we burn during exercise. For example, roughly estimate that we use 600 kcal of energy during exercise. After exercising, we should find food or snacks that contain about

Top 10 Causes of Acne

Top 10 Causes of Acne Acne, also known as Acne Vulgaris, is a long-term skin condition that occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. Although it is a physiological condition, when it occurs repeatedly or severely, it can

7 common health problems in women’s ‘vagina’ area

7 common health problems in women’s ‘vagina‘ area Although health should not be an embarrassing matter, some problems may be embarrassing to ask those close to you, especially vaginal health problems. In this article, we have compiled a list of common women’s health problems for

Smoking e-cigarettes risks erectile dysfunction.

Smoking e-cigarettes risks erectile dysfunction. Is vaping harmful to your health? There’s not enough evidence to be sure that vaping is safe. We can’t be sure, but it looks like vaping makes lung function worse and affects wound healing. Because many diseases take a long

“Food” creates a good mood.

Food creates a good mood. It science gaining a lot of attention, “Nutritional Psychiatry”. Which focuses on using food medicine for mental health. Clam your Mind with Food is written by Dr. Uma Naidoo, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, professional chef who graduated with the most coveted award from culinary school, and founder